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Month: May 2020

Understanding & Maximizing Your Employer Benefits

Understanding & Maximizing Your Employer Benefits

I recently joined a personal finance community that hosts financial talks, virtual happy hours, and guest speakers. My friend Amberly came up with this great idea and it didn’t take me long to get on board. As our host, she has done a remarkable job covering relevant topics in a very refreshing manner. Concise, factual, quantitative are a few words that describe her delivery; however, the main highlight is her ability to share the message in an easy-to-understand and super digestible fashion. A couple of weeks ago she asked me if I would be willing to come as a guest to share a presentation about a relevant topic. The result was a fun chat about employer benefits.

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Why We Decided To Start An Emergency Fund

Why We Decided To Start An Emergency Fund

We were skeptical of having an emergency fund. Our reasoning was simple, parking our money in an online saving account meant losing value to inflation. In addition, we had other buckets we could tap into in case of an emergency. That was our thinking until Q1 of 2020 when a black swan decided to knock on our door.

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