Side Hustle Interview – A Passion for Photography

I’m fascinated with the idea of exploring and finding ways to expedite reaching Financial Independence. The common thought is that one should try to live below your means and attempt lowering monthly expenses while increasing income if possible.
For most, the latter is usually the hardest; however, it is not impossible. Switching jobs, asking for a raise, starting your own business are definitely options worth considering; however, today bringing extra cash to boost your income could not be any easier. If you don’t believe me check out this post which I think will blow your mind.
1. Can you tell me your name and a little bit about yourself?
My name is Ana, I am mom of two girls, wife and full time software and data engineer. During my free time in my busy schedule I enjoy picking up my camera to capture moments in my life of my family. I believe these are treasures that may seem as silly pictures today but before you know it they are the most valuable asset you will ever own in your life.

2. What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about creating memories and capturing them! When I grew up my dad always took pictures of our family, though he was always busy as any doctor probably is in life, he always found the time to capture photos of us growing up. I look back at those videos and images today as treasures and a way to go back in time to a special moment.
If you had to remember your childhood without any images would you remember it all? I think you do remember some moments but as time goes by I think they somehow fade and get a little blurry. There are also moments in our lives that we would probably never remember like the first four or five years of our lives. For the most part we remember what others have told us we did at that age but we actually cannot remember it and the only way we believe it is by seeing it in the photos that someone took for us.
Hard to believe but I actually just sold my first camera this past weekend! Looking back, it brings me mixed feelings but It was time

3. Why did you decide to start a side hustle? How do you define side hustle?
After buying my first camera, it was not until four years later and after having my two daughters that I decided to take photography to the next level. My main motivation was capturing priceless memories for my daughters. I wanted to take better pictures of them as they continued to grow. As far as starting a side hustle, the idea came from a desire to take my skills to the next level. If I wanted to get better I knew I needed to have a commitment so what better way to do by capturing memories for others.
Practice makes perfect; however, the key is being intentional about your vision of success and above all, having continuous improvement. In terms of my definition of a side hustle … I would summarize it as “setting yourself for a challenge that you look forward to”. As you can see the main motivation was not money; however, this journey has allowed me to discover opportunities with one of them leading to starting Ana Zapata Photography during the fall of 2016.

4. What are your strengths and skills?
If you have ever taken the strength finder by Gallup you know they provide you with your top five strengths. My first strength on the list was “communicator”. I like to communicate and I have to admit, sometimes a little too much. I like to explain, describe, speak to others, express my ideas and thoughts. I feel a need to bring ideas to life, to energize them and to feel like I am telling a story. If you think about it, that is what photography is all about. Capturing moments that tell stories.

5. How did you know that your passion could be monetized?
I know how costly photography can be. A photo session can range from $300 up to $6,000 depending on the type of work, the photographer’s experience, and availability. The idea about monetization really spurred from a desire to save some money by taking my own pictures but that quickly evolved to the idea of starting my own photography business. Last but not least, the market was there so I asked myself … “why not?”.
6. How much time do you devote to your side hustle?
I am currently more selective with the work I do and how much time I dedicate to it. I am also pursuing my MBA and let’s say my schedule is pretty packed. I very much enjoy my time with my daughters and my family and avoid being away for too long. I probably devote around 10-20 hours a month to it. That is very little if you think of it but its plenty of time for me at this point

7. What equipment did you need to get started?
A crop sensor was not ideal for the work I wanted to do so I knew I needed to get a full frame camera. Buying a full frame camera was not an easy decision. There are so many brands and options that you could easily spend
8. What are your financial goals for your side hustle?
My financial goals are to make enough money to help pay for our family travels in the year or to try to cover them all 🙂

9. What’s the quitting point?
My quitting point is when my side hustle starts to take important time from my family. I prefer to book my sessions early in the morning or late in the afternoons. I also like being close to home to ensure I am not away from my family for too long. This is one of the reasons why I don’t think Wedding Photography is something I would focus on. Being away during the weekend for 4-6 hours would not make much sense. This does not mean I could never shoot a wedding. I would probably very much enjoy it but it would not be the type of work I want to focus on given how much time it would require.

10. Do you have a good support system?
My husband is very supportive of my photography business. I honestly don’t think I could do it without him. I currently do not have a team or anyone else I could delegate my work. It’s just me. If I ever took this side hustle to be my full-time job I would probably need to hire a team to support some of my editing work and perhaps some of my social media accounts.

11. Can you tell me the good and the bad of your side hustle?
The good … that you learn a ton from each session. It’s priceless to capture moments in life, in particular, childhood! The bad … the need to invest more time which translates to time away from my
12. How do you see your side hustle evolving?
I see it evolving as I grow as a photographer, as equipment continues to improve, and as I have more time in life. I may decide to invest more time on it than I do now.

13. What’s your best piece of advice for someone considering starting a side hustle?
I would say do your research, trust yourself, never be afraid to try something new or get out of your comfort zone. Keep learning every day! If you can find a mentor or someone that inspires you then that may be all you need to get started.
I highly recommend joining any groups that share your same passion. You learn so much from others that have been at it for so many years. I joined a group of Photographers and we critic our work on a daily basis. I also joined Creative Live and Click in Moms and take many of their courses online.
14. Have you had mentors that enabled you to take your side hustle to the next level?
Absolutely!. I need to give a ton of credit to Chantal. She has been our family photographer since I got engaged. She captured our wedding, my daughters when they were babies, and continues to capture memories for us every year. She has been a phenomenal mentor but beyond that, she’s truly a great friend. Her work and passion about “day in the life photography” has been inspirational. Some of the pictures of me and my daughters are from Chantal so feel free to check her work at She’s also on most social media platforms under the handle @imagesbychantal.

15. If you could go back what would you do differently?
Hmm, I cannot go back in time lol and so far I don’t have any regrets, but then again I started my photography business

16. If someone wanted to connect with you where can people find more about you?
You can find my work at and you can also follow me on Facebook and Instagram under the handle @anazapataphotography.

Photo credit: Images by Ana Zapata Photography and Images by Chantal.
I really enjoyed this interview with Ana. I thank her for giving me the opportunity to share her story. It is my hope you will learn as much as I did and that you will feel as inspired as I am.
Until next time … JJ
One thought on “Side Hustle Interview – A Passion for Photography”
Beautiful children and great pictures!
I’ve had a professional photographer take pictures of my family at a beach before. It was pretty pricey but well worth it.
I am always curious to see how people starting a side hustle get clients. How do you acquire customers?